BIM for General Contractors
Let us clean, model, coordinate and maintain all the framing and wall members for your MEP coordination. We bring very strong design, model, framing knowledge and coordination experience to your team in Precon phase.
BIM coordination is not complete unless you include all trades. We also model and coordinate the following trades for your BIM convenience:
ACT ceilings
Misc Steel
Miscellaneous items
Do not leave 4D (scheduling) and 5D(Cost) for later part of BIM coordination. Learn how to revolutionize this from Framing and drywall construction perspective.
Architects need to evolve along with you to deliver the most efficient building information model. In fact, the key to your success lies with their evolving models. Learn how to communicate your expectations to architect and help them achieve it.
General Contractor is the enforcer of IPD using BIM effort. We would love to share our best and worst experiences from various projects and show you the evolving best practices in the "BIG Room Environment".