MATTHEW PETERS Co-Founder-CEO (Data Analyst)
“Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves” -Tim Berners-Lee inventor of the World Wide Web
Data is what drives our society today, this is what I realized when I chose to study Data Analytics at UC Santa Barbara and in search of industries to work in, I asked myself which industries lack data and need to be exposed to new technology and data driven information?
Interestingly, I found that construction is the oldest industry but spends the least amount of money in innovation. Knowing that my father has worked and specialized in BIM for Drywall and Framing for the past 30 years I wanted to learn more how data is being utilized in construction today. Working together and leveraging my fathers knowledge about BIM in the drywall and framing industry, We are aiming to connect teams, workflows, and data across the entire project cycle while exposing the amount of data that is not currently being shown to the field.
BIM leaders and owners are realizing that choosing to go with BIM is not just choosing another technology tool for your CAD department. It is a business decision that wants to change the culture of your company.
The cultural rules are being re-written for all the parties to come together for a common good of the owner. And now it becomes the responsibility for each individual to decide if he/she wants to evolve.
This is where BIM Evolve wants to step in and help those who have accepted the inevitable and are seeking to gain BIM intelligence for themselves.
Our Goal is not for you to outsource that knowledge but help you evolve it in your company.
We strive to keep ourselves on the cutting edge of BIM Technology and construction practices, because our ultimate goal is the successful marriage of these two.

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